
User Guide

Hyu’s Drive-In is a desktop app for managing tasks, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Hyu’s Drive-In can get your daily tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.


Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user. e.g. in todo DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTION is a parameter which can be used as todo read book.

todo - Adding a ToDo Item

Adds a Todo Item into the list of tasks.

Format: todo DESCRIPTION


deadline - Adding a Deadline

Adds a Deadline into the list of tasks.

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DEADLINE


event - Adding an Event

Adds an Event into the list of tasks.



list - Listing all tasks

Lists all tasks in the list.

Format: list

find - Locating tasks by keyword

Finds tasks which description contains the given word

Format: find KEYWORD


find Example

save - Saving current tasks

Saves the current list into a local file, which will be loaded into application every time it runs.

Format: save

sort - Sorting current tasks

Sorts the current list based

Format: sort /type OR sort /date


done - Marking a task as Done

Marks a specified ToDo Item, Deadline or Event as Done.

Format: done INDEX


delete - Deleting a task

Deletes a specified ToDo Item, Deadline or Event.

Format: delete INDEX


clear - Clears all saved data

Clears all saved data.

Format: clear

bye - Exiting the Program

Exits the program.

Format: exit

Feature Summary

Command Format/ Examples
todo todo DESCRIPTION e.g. todo read book
deadline deadline DESCRIPTION /by DEADLINE e.g. deadline return book /by 2020/09/15
event event DESCRIPTION /at DATETIME e.g. event tP Meeting /at 2020/09/14 1400
list list
find find KEYWORD e.g. find Assignment
save save
sort sort /type or sort /date
done done INDEX
delete delete INDEX
clear clear
bye bye